- walk, a poem
- Aesop's fable of Belling the Cat, illustrated
- translation exercise: Hasta la Raíz by Natalia Lafourcade
- translation exercise: Soledad y el Mar by Natalia Lafourcade
- translation exercise: Mediterráneo by Joan Manuel Serrat
- translation exercise: Movimiento by Jorge Drexler
- why greed is an unhelpful characterisation of rational economic choices
- a new web-1.0 look for my site
- poster design: What kind of world do we want after the Coronavirus crisis?
- a Valentine's Day card
- making a stylish 24-hour clock face
- how to disenfranchise voters in the information age
- proposal for a series of transitional date-time formats towards a sensible standard
- interesting links for April 2018
- a Red Green impression for Halloween
- dabbling in photography